Are there airship, balloon, or helicopter questions on the AGI test?
Asked by: Jordan Cobb 5873 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation
I am studying to take the Ground Instructor Advanced exam. The Prepware from ASA seems to contain a lot of non airplane related questions. Questions about balloons, helicopters, and even the Goodyear blimp (no lie). I took a look at the FAA Exam guide and in the list of topics covered in the AGI (page 34 onward), there is no mention of the need to know anything about helicopters, blimps, or balloons. There are only topics about weather, general aviation knowledge, airplanes, and a couple things on gliders which I am not too concerned about. The Gleim Flight/Ground Instructor exam guide has a selling point that "Only airplane related questions are included." The bottom line is that I am confused as to exactly what I need to be focusing on. Airplanes obviously, but do I really need to know about helicopters, or the Goodyear blimp? If anyone out there who has taken this exam could give some guidance, that would be great.
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