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Quiz at FSDO for BGI?

Asked by: 6688 views Flight Instructor

I have passed my FOI plus BGI writtens and am ready to make an appointment with the local FSDO. I have been hearing rumblings that there maybe some quizzing done at the FSDO. Anyone know if this is happening?

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5 Answers

  1. Curtis Ide on Oct 23, 2010

    I just went and picked up my AGI at the Richmond FSDO and they did very little questioning.  I already knew the Inspector from previous inspections of our flight school and charter department so I am not sure if that affected his decisions.  I think you should always be prepared to answer a few questions but only in general since the Ground Instructor certificates don’t have checkrides/oral exams.  I would be prepared to discuss endorsements you can give and what your limitations are.  Instructor records and maybe review your FOI.  It’s always nice to build up a good reputation with the FSDO if you are going to start a career in your area.
    Good luck!

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  2. Matthew Waugh on Oct 24, 2010

    There is no requirement that you have to show any additional knowledge to pick up your BGI from the FSDO.
    However – you are presenting yourself to the FSDO, they can pretty much ask you anything they want, and if they determine you are not fit to hold the licenses you have they can revoke them all on an emergency basis – so that’s pretty much your worse case scenario 🙂
    You’d have to consult an aviation lawyer on this point – but I doubt they can actually decline to give you a BGI other than on an administrative basis (too busy, the computers down etc.) – but they could issue you one and THEN decide you don’t meet the requirements of the certificate based on the questions they asked you and revoke it.
    But seriously, I can’t imagined that’s happened, especially for a BGI which requires that you be able recognise an airplane and not drool too much when talking. 🙂

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  3. Kent Shook on Oct 24, 2010

    There is nothing in 61.213 that states

    If you’re that concerned about it, I don’t think you have to go to the FSDO to get your Ground Instructor certificate, I’m pretty sure that you can present your test results to a DPE as well.

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  4. Kent Shook on Oct 24, 2010

    There is nothing in 61.213 that states that you need anything but the knowledge tests to get the BGI, or any ground instructor certificate, for that matter.

    If you’re that concerned about it, I don’t think you have to go to the FSDO to get your Ground Instructor certificate, I’m pretty sure that you can present your test results to a DPE as well.

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  5. Craig Peterson on Nov 14, 2010

    To follow up, I did study several items I felt pertinent to the certificate (which didn’t hurt any) but did not get any further questions at FSDO. Simply submitted my exam results, we accessed the 8710-1 on IACRA, eletronically signed it and was given my temporary certificate. Thanks for the responses…

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