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Instrumental ground training

Asked by: 3822 views Instrument Rating, Student Pilot

Hey. so I used a set of ASA ground school DVD's for my private pilot and passed my written with a decent score and then later my check ride. I was thinking of taking the same strategy and implementing it to my instrument ground training. Is this a good plan? And if so, any recommendations for certain DVD sets/ programs and where I can get them? Personal experiences and stories too if my fellow pilots are willing to share their story. For my private license I got the ASA DVD's offline (ebay I think) Thanks guys!

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1 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Mitchell L Williams on Feb 04, 2015

    I think they are all good. Online or DVD, or just read the book. We use the Jeppesen Instrument and Commercial Text, then the Jepp test prep. I like the jepp prep because it references the text book in the answers. I do not like that it spreads the Figures through out the book. The ASA provides the figures (test Supplement) in a separate book just like when you take the CATS knowledge test.

    When I did instrument rating and later CFII (maybe 1990), I read the ASA text (Bob Gardener – Complete advanced pilot) because it was the lowest cost and on real paper. Back then it was all black and white, (no color pictures). And Gleim was printed on newsprint paper. The Jeppesen text is twice as expensive, but that is what I recommend to my students. This book will stay on your shelf for your entire career.

    It is fantastic that we have so many choices in aviation training. Jepp, ASA, Gleim, John and Martha, Rod Machado, FAA Instrument Flying Handbook, FAA Weather services, and others. Find a system that fits your personality and you can’t go wrong. This is small dollars compared to the airplane expense.

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