Building time 141 cheaper? Can I do this idea?-Read on
Asked by: Kyle Inbody 3223 views Commercial Pilot, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Student Pilot
Okay, I'm going to being going to a part 141 flight school this fall. Big step and I have already earned my private pilot at a local airport in a piper warrior. I know that all dual instruction must be completed at college with their aircraft and instructors. The problem, they teach the commercial and instruments in new Cessna 172s at a cost of $150/hr before instruction fees. Yikes that's a lot!
My question is
1.for my instrument and commercial can I complete my cross country flights in a non school owned air craft and still get the 1000 hour ATP? Only solo time.
Also there is a guy renting an older Cessna 172- nothing fancy but instrument rated. His rate is $85/hr. He hardly has customers and one if his friends said that we can buy block hours for cheaper too. This can cut cost by $80+ dollars and hour! That's big to a college kid! I was also suggested to make an offer to rent block hours dry.
My next question
2. What's a good number to a Offer if I rent dry?
Thanks for the help!
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