Altimeter setting error for ILS approach
Asked by: anrie jonling hsu 3628 views Commercial Pilot, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Student Pilot
1.Today if I doing an ILS approcah(Elevation of touchdown zone is 500ft MSL,DA(H) is 200ft AGL),and ATIS report pressure setting is 30.42;unfortunately my altimeter is remain at 29.92 and can not be change.the original DA is 700ft MSL(500+200).What is my new DA(H)?
2.Today if I doing an ILS approcah(Elevation of touchdown zone is 500ft MSL,DA(H) is 200ft AGL),and ATIS report pressure setting is 29.42;unfortunately my altimeter is remain at 29.92 and can not be change.the original DA is 700ft MSL(500+200).What is my new DA(H)?
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