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3 Answers


Asked by: 3648 views Student Pilot



I as a flight simulator enthusiast practicing traffic patterns,  needs to know how the checklist procedures go in these short periods of takeoff and landings? In my opinion, it takes much time to walk through check lists.

Is there a criterion doing these checks practicing the pattern?



3 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Nov 28, 2014

    As a flight simulator enthusiast it probably doesn’t matter 🙂

    As a pilot enthusiast 😉 checklists are worked in different ways by different pilots in different situations. I think of the methods as falling into three groups

    The “do list” method, where one reads the checklist and does each step as it is reached, does take a lot of time, which is why it’s primarily used by newer pilots dealing with new aircraft.

    Most experienced pilots learn a cockpit flow pattern that covers all of the essential elements of a phase of flight which is either briefed in advance (“briefing list”) or checked afterward (“did list”).

    For many of us, the before landing checklist is one of those in which a flow pattern is taught fairly early. For most of those, the checklist becomes a “briefing list” done before entering the pattern although some still use a “did list” methodology which, since all you are doing is reviewing the checklist to confirm you covered everything, doesn’t take much time away from cockpit tasks.

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  2. Nibake on Nov 29, 2014

    A good rule of thumb that I recommend is to complete your checklist before or no later than mid-field downwind. Or, since many times at a towered airport you won’t fly a standard pattern, I recommend completing it before a 2-3 mile call in. Here’s a good general checklist for GA aircraft, if you don’t already have one.


    Carb heat (as needed)
    Cowl flaps (closed)
    Gas on the fullest tank (or both, depending on your airplane)
    Undercarriage down and locked
    Propeller – high rpm
    Seat belts and switches (normally includes boost pump if you have one and landing light)

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  3. Nibake on Nov 29, 2014

    Oops, I missed “Mixture – rich”

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