Weather that makes an airport VFR only?
Asked by: drew roberts 3081 views Instrument Rating
Two people are taking two different planes both equipped /A from KCCR-KHAF. The weather across the bay area is overcast 2500 feet. Pilot 1 is a VFR pilot takes off and maneuvers at 2000 feet under class B airspace and lands at KHAF. Pilot 2 is IFR rated got instructions to fly the Buchanan9 departure with the SABLO transition then vectors and to climbs to 4000. With small hills to the west of khaf, the only near MSA is V27 at 3000 feet. 500 feet to high. Is the IFR pilot stuck above the overcast layer or can ATC guide him down below 2500' to VMC? How does the pilot know what altitude ATC can guide him down to? 2000? 1500? 1000? All of them are still above VFR minima but I can't find where it says ATC can guide a plane down to those altitudes
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