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11 Answers

Preferred routing.

Asked by: 12040 views Instrument Rating

How does one find preferred routing. I was told that I could call tracon to see what I could file.

I'm a soon to be IR (Friday 21st check ride) and I'm going to have to file from an unfamiliar airport. Flying out of New York airspace and I'm afraid that what I file I don't get and now " quick change of plan".

I have noticed that what seams logical looking a chart doesn't always work out that way.


If anyone has any suggestion it would be greatly appreciated .


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11 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 14, 2014

    Preferred routes are found in the back of the Airport/Facility Directory.
    For Jeppesen, they are found in the Enroute tab of your chart service.

    One would think that this would have been taught during ground instruction for an instrument student. Did your instructor not cover this?

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  2. argen78 on Nov 14, 2014

    This I know. But set up a flight from N40 to KMVY and see if you can find the prefered route in the AFD.

    Once you do , I will tell you just what you will get and compare them.
    My CFII did explain this to me.

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  3. Best Answer

    Kris Kortokrax on Nov 14, 2014

    The A/FD shows Tower Enroute Control routes going east from Allentown which is near N40. The preferred route from Allentown east to the Hartford / Bradley area shows

    FJC V162 HOU (this is a misprint and should be HUO) IGN PWL PWL111 BRISS

    I would modify this to


    They are routing traffic way around the Class B. They do the same thing here in the Chicago area. Preferred route to get from Indiana to Wisconsin takes you way south, then way west around the Class B.

    As long as I have a radio, I can negotiate for something shorter.

    The first question you asked was “How does one find preferred routing?” This led me to believe that you had not been taught where to find them.

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  4. argen78 on Nov 14, 2014

    I set this up using foreflight prefered routing feature.
    And what it gives you is just what you will be cleared for.
    Now my question is, can you call tracon and ask ” what routing is expected”

    This would help me out because foreflight does not always provide ATC cleared routing and I would be hard pressed to make out the route that I just wrote down.

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  5. Mark Kolber on Nov 15, 2014

    First, Foreflight “routes” gives you what ATC has commonly cleared as a route. Later it gives you what you can “expect” to be cleared for.

    Yes, you can call TRACON. Before the availability of common clearances in FF, FltPlan.com and others, I sometimes did that in unfamiliar areas.

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  6. argen78 on Nov 15, 2014

    Then I will be calling tracon once my examiner gives me the airport of intended destination.

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  7. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 15, 2014

    For the practical test, the examiner is not going to want to see you call TRACON to get the routing. He is going to want to see if you are aware of preferred routes and can come up with the appropriate routing on your own.

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  8. argen78 on Nov 17, 2014

    Your right kris,but my examiner said she will call me the night before so I can set up the flight.
    My thoughts are that if I can call tracon and get a cleared route in am more likely to not get a change in route Lessining the stress.

    Thank again for the advise.
    I love this site.

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  9. Mark Kolber on Nov 17, 2014

    Argen, you might want to have a discussion with your CFII about what to expect. It woudl be unusual for one to pick up an actual IFR clearance on a checkride. Rather, the DPE is likely to be interested in your route selection and planning methodology – did you check preferred routes; did you select an altitude consistent with clouds and, this time of year, the potential for icing; what are your deviation plans if something comes up? Answering, “I called TRACON” to questions about planning is likely to lead to a lot more questions and a higher stress level.

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  10. Tom Kelley on Nov 18, 2014

    If you log on to the fltplan.com site (a TERRIFIC site for IFR pilots), and enter your route, you will see the most common requested and assigned routes. Very good source of route information. When I choose one of these routes, I am rarely assigned anything different.

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  11. argen78 on Nov 20, 2014

    Now this is much better.
    Thanks again.

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