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5 Answers

SIC add a private faa license validated in a ICAO license

Asked by: 3815 views Private Pilot

Hello, I am a commercial pilot license with ICAO. I am also a private pilot and FAA instruments but no multiengine. (this license is validated based on ICAO) in Colombia's license I have SIC HAWKER 900XP, but the FAA license I need to add SIC-125 (HAWKER 900XP) because I'm flying out of the United States an aircraft with registration N, and is mandatory in these countries have the SIC FAA airplane on my license, what should I do? What documents should I submit to the FSDO? I finished my initial training of HS-125 in flight safety 6 months ago and I have training certificates. Is this certificate used to perform the processing of the SIC? Thank you, Johann alvarez

5 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 13, 2014

    You only need the SIC type rating if you will be flying the Hawker outside the United States.

    If you do need the SIC type rating, the requirements are outlined in 61.55.

    You have a U.S. Private pilot certificate based on your foreign license. While you can add the SIC type rating to your U.S. certificate, you cannot fly the Hawker for compensation. It is unlikely that you are flying the Hawker as an SIC out of the goodness of your heart. You are quite likely being paid to fly the Hawker. If this is the case, you cannot do this with a Private pilot certificate.

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  2. johann alvarez on Nov 13, 2014

    thank you very much for your answer. Exactly I live in Colombia and I’m flying a corporate jet and I can not fly to Brazil, Panama, and others because I do not have my faa SIC. I only own my SIC in my ICAO license.

    unfortunately does not possess the in faa license sic possibly lose my job.

    What I can do?


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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 13, 2014

    As I said in the previous post, you can’t fly and be paid to fly an N registered airplane with a U.S. Private pilot certificate.

    Merely getting the SIC type rating, you still could not legally fly the Hawker and be paid to fly it with a U.S. Private pilot certificate.

    In order to fly the Hawker outside Colombia while being paid, you would need a U.S. Commercial pilot certificate with an SIC type rating.

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  4. johann alvarez on Nov 14, 2014

    Mr Kris, Thank you.

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  5. johann alvarez on Feb 17, 2016

    Hello captain Kris, I hope doing well.

    I am commercial pilot in cololmbia with instrument, single engine, and multiengine land and I have 1600 hours. The last year I did the ATP CTP Course , I did the Writting test and I pass, and I did my oral test and checkride in a Hawker simulator in flight safety wilmington on december , but the faa declined my paper becouse in the letter of verification the autority in colombia put single engine land, instrument and the word COPILOT multiengine land and the the faa inspector said me that I need a PIC multiengine in my colombian license and letter of verification not a Copilot multiengine .
    What can I do?

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