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7 Answers

Equipment minimums for each airspace? FAR/AIM 91.205, but not understanding?

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7 Answers

  1. Sam Dawson on Nov 12, 2014

    I’m not sure what you are asking.
    Also not to be nitpicky, I know most paper manuals contain the FAR/AIM but there is no FAR/AIM 91.205. It is part of the FAR’s or FAR 91.205. The AIM is separate from the FARs.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Nov 13, 2014

    Nitpickiness aside, I’m not sure what you are asking either.

    But as soon as I see someone ask about 91.205, I automatically assume he or she is making the mnemonic-induced common mistake of thinking that’s the the =only= reg that covers required equipment (see my diatribe in another thread: http://www.askacfi.com/26129/91-213-equipment-list-requirements.htm)

    91.205 represents the bare minimum of required equipment. Like, if you built your own airplane, it would need to have =at least= the equipment in 91.205 , =plus= any equipment required by other regulations, including those required for certain airspace.

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 13, 2014


    I would disagree concerning an “experimental” airplane he built himself. (More nitpicking, but isn’t that what we love to do?) The title of 91.205 and language in 91.205(a) applies to “standard” category aircraft.

    That said, the operating limitations which would be developed for an “experimental” airplane need to be complied with per 91.9(a). The limitations are given in Order 8120.2G and include a reference to 91.205.

    Just a nit about where the requirement resides, not the ultimate requirement for the equipment.

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  4. Best Answer

    Nibake on Nov 13, 2014

    Aim Chapter 3 section 2 has the answers you are looking for.

    For example –

    Class C
    2. Equipment.

    (a) Two-way radio; and

    (b) Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, an operable radar beacon transponder with automatic altitude reporting equipment.

    Class D
    2. Equipment. Unless otherwise authorized by ATC, an operable two-way radio is required.

    I’m not going to paste class B because it is a bit longer. Basically you need a Mode C transponder and two-way communications radio.

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  5. austin.bailey on Nov 13, 2014

    I’m a student pilot and was wondering about the equipment needed to enter the airspace with a cessna 172. I apologize for making the mistake of not clarifying and stating that 91.205 is FAR/AIM as I now realize it’s just the FAR.

    Thank you for the location and answer Nibake

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  6. Mark Kolber on Nov 13, 2014

    Kris, notice I said “nitpickiness aside.” 🙂

    Yes you are, of course, right. 91.205 applies to standard aircraft but it generally applied to experimental via operating limitations.

    But the point remains. If one is looking for all the answers in 91.205 one is making a mistake.

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  7. Kris Kortokrax on Nov 13, 2014


    Nibake has not given you the correct reference for the equipment requirements. The AIM is not regulatory.

    Requirements for having a transponder in certain airspace are contained in 91.215.

    Requirements for entering airspace are contained in 91.129, 91.130 and 91.131 for Class D, C and B airspace.

    The requirement for two-way radio if not stated, are implied by the requirement to establish radio communication prior to entering the airspace.

    Equipment requirements for operating in RVSM airspace are found in Appendix G to Part 91.

    For operating in MNPS airspace (over the Atlantic Ocean) the requirements are found in 91.705.

    There are other equipment requirements if you are operating a large (over 12,500#) aircraft or turbojet aircraft. These are found in Subpart F of Part 91.

    You really need to define the aircraft and airspace in which you desire to operate and then determine the equipment requirements.

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