Pilots’ aeronautical experience
Asked by: Sans 3747 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
I have read 61.109 and 61.129. I understand that a private pilot requires the following:
20 dual and 10 solo which equals to 30. Since the grand total is 40, what would the remaining 10 be, dual or solo? I would appreciate if someone can summarize the ppl and cpl aero experience. My CFI gave me a handout that summarize the cool as follows:
250 total
50 Xcode of which 10 in airplane
20 duel of which:
10 complex, 10 instr 5 of it in airplane
one xc day VFR of 2 hr total and 100 nm straight line
one xc night VFR 2 hr total and 100 nm straight line
3 h c/r perpetration within 60 day
10 solo
one cx > 300 NM with full stop in 3 diff points. One of this leg >250 nm
5 hr night vfr
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