Transition from C172 to SR22 for Instrument rating?
Asked by: Kat Allen 6297 views Instrument Rating, Student Pilot
I have just started my IFR training on a pair of 172s (one steam gauge, one full G1000). I have only ever flown a C172 and have around 120 hours. I really want to own and fly a Cirrus SR20/22 in the next few years. However, I have heard it is a much more challenging plane to fly and that you should have 300 hours before trying it. My CFI, who I trained with for my private license and who I have started my instrument training with, just announced he is leaving to take a full time commercial job. I have flown with a few of the other instructors at my flight school but am not comfortable with any of them (language barrier is pretty big - theirs, not mine). Next door to my flight school is a Cirrus flight school. Would it make sense to transition to a Cirrus now to both become more experienced in that plane and finish my instrument rating, or should I stay in a C172 for my instrument rating and transition to the Cirrus afterwards?
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