Expiration date on tailwheel / complex endorsement valid?
Asked by: Zonker 9585 views FAA Regulations
I recently noticed that the tailwheel and complex endorsements in my logbook have an expiration date on them. (They are set to expire about 2 years and a couple months after issuing date.)
Both endorsements were issued by an FAA instructor. I have an FAA pilot's license, and I was not a student pilot at the time of issuance.
I was under the impression that tailwheel and complex endorsements do never expire, and I have never heard to time-restriced tailwheel and complex endorsements.
Is this probably a mistake of the instructor, or is an instructor able to limit the validity of endorsements?
In other words, do I have to get new endorsements without expiration, or can I safely (and legally) ignore the expiration date on the endorsements?
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