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3 Answers

Is it me? or the CFI?

Asked by: 3467 views Student Pilot


I've been taking lessons for about 1 year to earn my private pilots license. My first instructor was great, knowledgeable, and also a very good teacher.  He was fortunate enough to get a job with the a regional carrier.  My next instructor was just ok, there was never any pre or post flight briefing, no plan for the next instruction.  I overcame this by doing the planning myself.  He also seemed very moody, and the flight school had some financial issues.  At one point, they wanted me to go up in a plane with a malfunctioning oil pressure gauge, that was the beginning of the end, I could no longer trust the school or the instructor. I'm now with an older instructor, who seems to be very knowledgeable.  Unfortunately, he also seems disinterested and cranky. I flew 12 hours with the first instructor, 37 with the second, and 7 with the third.  I've passed my written test, and now need to focus on prep for the practical test.  I'm not in a hurry, but I would like to get this completed.  I'm currently working on my PPL, and will then begin my IFR.

so the question, do I just tough it out with cranky? or do I find an instructor I enjoy?  maybe the problem is me?

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3 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Sep 21, 2014

    That is a tough question to answer, especially since you seem to be so close to the end. Earlier in the process, I would simply say it doesn’t matter if it is you or him. One can certainly be too picky but ultimately training is enhanced by a good mesh between pilot and student and held back by the opposite.

    At this point, though, you have had enough time to know the answer to the ultimate question – can you learn and “get ‘er done” in a reasonable amount of time despite the instructor detachment and crankiness?

    I’d be guided by the answer.

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  2. Jacob Friesenhahn on Sep 21, 2014

    It depends on where you live. He might be your best option in your area. Also its a good thing you got out of that one flight school, making a student fly with a broken plane is screwed up.

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  3. James c on Sep 21, 2014

    This I why I show my students both part 61, and the PTS, so they know the standards they have to meet, I would have whoever your flying with give you clear goals to meet to get you to your checkride…..

    Good luck!

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