Prior Student Continues to Solo With Possibly Expired Solo Endorsement
Asked by: Walter Davey 4210 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Student Pilot
I'm getting nervous here. It seems as if I had one of those "professional students." He was so serious about flight training that he bought into a flying club and has unrestricted access to a C172. After completing nearly all of his experience requirements, he had failed to take his written or study for an oral. A PPL practical was nowhere in site. Since then, I took a job with a regional airline and discontinued all instruction with the student. Nearly a year has passed, all of his logbook solo endorsements have expired, and said student is now posting pictures of himself soloing. He jokingly gave me the name of a possibly fictitious CFI when I called to verify. I have been unable to confirm with the very few local instructors in town that anybody has endorsed him. If my suspicions are correct, is there any way I could be liable or in trouble with the FAA? Should I report him right away and let the FSDO handle it?
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