Class E airspace vs Class G clarification please
Asked by: David Eberhardt 8641 views Airspace
I have been reviewing airspace and weather mins and came up with a slight confusion. Please do not answer without reviewing the following description... I have reviewed many sources and all say that Class E starts at 700 agl within those magenta faded circles and outside those it starts at 12oo agl. However, Class G can supposedly extend up to 14, 500 (starting at 14,500MSL you're into Class E again). When I look at Sectionals covering the United States, it would seem that there are very few areas (mainly out west) where you can find some Class G airspace that gives you that much vertical height for Class G airspace. Back east, for instance, you ain't gonna find those carve outs. I think part of my confusion has been that the magenta areas fade toward the inside of those 700 agl areas while the blue shaded areas seem to fade toward the outside, which therefor depicts the Class G on the inside of these areas. AM I UNDERSTANDING THIS CORRECTLY???
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