Student pilot practice instrument approaches with CFI.
Asked by: sadkjfasla fasdjflaskd 4886 views Flight Instructor, Student Pilot
I'm a part 61 student pilot with 29.8 hours only 1.7 of which have been simulated instrument. I'm blazing through the syllabus and only have 2 solo's (the long XC, and a short/soft field solo practice) left on the syllabus before doing a simulated checkride with my instructor and the chief flight instructor. Assuming I match the estimated lesson times from the syllabus (I won't for the XC, I plan to make it longer than it calls for by a little bit), I'm projected to come out with only 36 hours and 2.3 simulated instrument.
Obviously this isn't enough and so I need to repeat an instrument lesson for no really good reason (not to mention needing to burn some more time in the practice area). I have no issues with maneuvers under the hood, strange attitude recovery etc. I ran into my old instructor and he suggested that it might make sense for me to do a checkout in a 172, and do some practice approaches for the hood time instead of spending more time doing turns to a heading.
My new instructor is only a CFI, I could go up with one of the CFII's, but I was curious about what the regs say about a CFI directing practice approaches to a student pilot. After I have my PPL I could go up with my current instructor and he could act as safety pilot. As a student though I can't act as PIC with passengers, and the CFI can't give dual for instrument (other than the basic maneuvers required for PPL?), right? Do I have that correct?
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