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6 Answers

CFI regulation in FAR

Asked by: 4376 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation

Hi there

i am a CFI and i am thinking to start as a freelancer ground and flight instructor

i was looking in the regulation if it says that the flight/ground  instructor can charge the students but i couldn't find

for privet pilot for example it clearly says that no PPL can fly for compensation or for hire

but for flight instructor it doesn't say such a thing

if someone can help me where to find this regulation concerning getting paid as CFI i will appreciate it

i know i can get paid but i don't know where to find this regulation


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6 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Aug 24, 2014

    There’s no specific regulation that says anything either requiring or prohibiting an flight instructor from getting paid or in any way regulating the amount.

    In general, that which is not prohibited in some way is permitted. But if you want something more substantial than that, you hopefully know that a flight instructor does not need a medical certificate at all if not acting a PIC or required crew. That’s precisely because a CFI is paid for instruction, not for transportation. When instructing, you are not “flying” for compensation or hire. You are “instructing” for compensation or hire.

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  2. James c on Sep 01, 2014

    I’m basically doing the same thing, and I was worried about “holding out” myself,
    In the end I stared my own LLC to be safe

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  3. Mark Kolber on Sep 02, 2014

    James, you are allowed to “hold yourself out” to provide flight training.

    Exactly what “safety” do you see from setting up an LLC? To guess at the most common misunderstanding of what an LLC provides, no it will not protect you from an FAA certificate action and no, it will not protect you from liability in a training mishap.

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  4. James c on Sep 02, 2014

    Yea thanks for clarifying that, but it will separate your business funds from personal funds in case of event. Meaning they can only go after you business, and not private account. That’s what I thought it did, along with tax benifits……

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  5. Mark Kolber on Sep 02, 2014

    That’s what I thought James. There may be some tax benefits depending how your LLC was set up tax-wise, but if you (as in “you” are the instructor) are involved in a training mishap, they absolutelywill be able to go after your personal account and assets and will not be limited to you business account. As I said, probably the most common misunderstanding of the protection an LLC provides. You may want to have a brief consultation with a qualified attorney in your jurisdiction about what protection the LLC does and does not give you.

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  6. James c on Sep 02, 2014

    well waleed it can be done!
    Mark thanks for clearing that up, I guess I need to talk with a lawyer out here just to make sure I’ve got enough insurance,

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