In which of the following scenarios can I log PIC ?
Asked by: Fredovsky 9617 views Student Pilot
Hi, Here are a few situations I can't figure out if they should be logged as PIC or not... : 1. I'm a student pilot, no PPL, with an instructor on board. I'm the one flying the aircraft. PIC ? (does the fact to be rated or not on the aircraft changes anything ?) 2. I'm a student pilot, no PPL, doing solo flight. PIC ? 3. I'm a private pilot, with an instructor on board because I haven't flown for a long time and I preferred to have someone to assist me in case I forgot something (but legally, I could have flown alone...) PIC ? 4. I'm a private Pilot, with an instructor on board to get rated on a new aircraft. PIC ? 5. I'm taking the PPL exam with a Flight Examinator. PIC ? I think that's all !
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