Operating at 75% Power C172SP
Asked by: Stephen Bellacera 9639 views Aircraft Systems, General Aviation
Hello CFI's,
During my PPL training I was instructed to cruise at around 2400 RPM (C172SP), any time I'd get over that my first CFI would get a little antsy. However, in the POH it states the standard cruise RPM of 75% power is 2500 RPM at sea level.
Is there any reason why I shouldn't cruise at 2500 RPM on my CC flights (I wouldn't mind having the few extra kts to save on my bill after I land ;)? Now I understand that as I climb, I will be losing RPM's and of course leaning properly will keep the RPM's up until a certain alt but if she'll do 2500, is there any reason to not cruise at the power setting?
Thanks for the info!
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