Would best glide ratio speed vary with total load in aircraft?
Asked by: Alex Censor 4576 views Aerodynamics
The POH has a stated best glide speed.... best glide ratio. Important for that hope-never-have-to estimate as to how far I can glide power off from the AGL I`m at.
On the face of it without digging into arcane areodynamics I`m too lazy for, it might seem that not only should the glide ratio be better with the plane lightly loaded, but that possibly the best glide speed, too, might be different at light load.
In my LSA there is a very significant difference in weight when flying solo with my 140 pounds and 1/3rd of a tank fuel vs flying at legal MTOW. I`m willing to wager big dollars that my glide ratio is much better at light load, but not convinced the best glide speed changes.
And if best glide speed changes which direction would it change? Higher or lower at light load?
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