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3 Answers

Crossing Runways at a controlled Field??

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FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Private Pilot

Greetings Pilots, 

Sorry if this question is a little minutia but its been bugging me... if I'm at a controlled field with more than one runway and have been given taxi instructions that involve crossing a runway mid field, which of the two ends of the runway would I use when calling up ground for permission to cross?  For example if you were at GA Parking at ROA and Ground advises you to taxi to RWY 6 via Echo, you will have to cross  somewhat midfield of runways 16/34.    When I get to the intersection of Echo and Runway 16/34 would I request to cross Runway 16 because it is closer?


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3 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Jun 23, 2014

    Nowadays, you will likely be given an instruction like “Taxi to runway 6 via Echo, hold short of runway 16.” As you approach runway 16, you will then be instructed to cross runway 16. If you are not, use 16 or 34. They will know which runway you mean.

    Also, there is no box to reply to your other question. A full stop is a full stop. If you have enough runway to do a stop and go, you do not need to taxi back. Depends on the aircraft and your comfort level.

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  2. Stephen Bellacera on Jun 23, 2014

    Thanks Kris, that’s great advice! They’d probably figure it out pretty quick by process of elimination.

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  3. MaggotCFII on Jun 25, 2014

    As a review take a look in the AIM, Ch 4: Air Traffic Control at 4-3-18 Taxiing.

    If for some reason you are unsure of a crossing clearance just ask the controller to
    confirm the clearance. I look at the Holding Position Sign at the runway and ask something as this, “XXX Ground confirm N$$$$X is cleared to cross 15-33 at Hotel”.

    Confirming can save everybody from having further discussions or remedial training.

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