Planning Cross Country flights after obtaining Private for IR and Comm
Asked by: Andre Venter 4129 views Commercial Pilot, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
I should be ready for my Private checkride at the end of August. I am planning on doing the Instrument Rating after that and hopefully moving on to Commercial after that. I am not a career pilot and fly only for pleasure.
I was wondering if I should be giving any special consideration to how I fly cross countries after the Private. I know that they have to be in excess of 50NM to count towards the requirement for IR/Comm, but should I consider doing longer distances to meet the Comm requirement, seeing that I have to do 50 hours anyway?
I just want to be sure that I don't just randomly fly 50 hours of short (excess of 50NM) cross countries only later to kick myself that I did not do, for instance, a 300NM with 250NM straight line while I had the opportunity.
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