What would you recommend as the best route to take to a Commercial/Multi/Instrument?
Asked by: Student Pilot 4617 views Commercial Pilot, Private Pilot
What would you recommend as the best route to take to a Commercial/Multi/Instrument?
I recently started flying again after a long hiatus. Right now I have my Private with about 90 hours total (20 recent), 35 x/c PIC (13 recent), 2.5 instrument (1 recent), 2.5 complex (0 recent).
My flight school operates under both Part 61 and Part 141. My school has both simple and complex singles and a twin-engine Duchess, along with a simulator. I am an engineer and a very fast study on technical aspects. To be honest, I have a lot of it figured out already. For that reason I will probably do the Instrument under Part 61 and home-study.
So my question is how would I best utilize the aircraft available to me to further both my plan to continue with my certifications and my own interest in flying faster and more complex airplanes. I want to be competent in complex single-engine aircraft and to at least have the multi ticket along with my instrument rating. I want to maximize my ROI and not spend money in an airplane that does not multi-task in relation to my goals, i.e. I do not see why I would do instrument training in a C-172 when doing it in a complex aircraft is only a few bucks more (yes, I know about the increased workload but I am will to give that a go). Money is not really the issue, I have the resources to do this at my easy pace of 2 hours/weekend flying.
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