Logging training time with expired BFR
Asked by: Student Pilot 8964 views Instrument Rating
I am a current CFII with a question from a friend of mine I could not answer. My friend owns an airplane and was given flight training a couple years ago towards his instrument rating with a CFII and sometimes used a safety pilot for BAIF hours. Unfortunately at some point during his training/flying he let his BFR expire. He assumed since he was in training for a new rating a BFR was not required. I explained that this was not true and that any solo flying done after the expiration of his BFR was not legal and would have to be removed from his logbook.
My question is, since he flew with a CFII and a safety pilot for the remainder of his flying can he count that flight time toward his instrument rating? (assuming it's not logged as PIC) I assume you don't need a BFR when you have a current CFII or safety pilot with you.
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