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Question on time for complex endorsement

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Aircraft Systems, Commercial Pilot, Private Pilot

I have completed 3hrs dual flight time with a CFI in a Cessna 172RG and 3hrs ground instruction toward my complex endorsement. My CFI says I need 2 more lessons to complete it. Just curious what average time to get signed off for this.

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8 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on May 14, 2014

    I did mine in 1987 and had 10 hours of dual, then was allowed to rent the airplane solo. That was the insurance requirement at the time.

    Will your school let you solo the airplane after 2 more lessons or will you just have an endorsement that you can’t use?

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  2. Ben on May 14, 2014

    Makes sense and yes once I’ve completed the training the club lets you fly it solo. I’m glad to be learning how to do fly a retract on a much slower plane like the Cutlass rather than a slippery plane like a Bonanza. Complex planes are fun!

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  3. Jim F. on May 15, 2014

    That seems like a long time for such a simple plane like the 172RG.. Of course, that’s assuming you did the ground work before starting flying and had your systems knowledge down pat. My school didn’t have a minimum hours requirement, and I got my complex after an hour ground and hour flight.

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  4. Ben on May 15, 2014

    Hmm yeah maybe it’s a club insurance requirement?

    The club wants 5-10 hours dual instruction before solo the 172RG. I’ve flown it 3 hours and it’s not hard to fly. Maybe I should just get my Bonanza or Mooney and finish that way instead? Based on quotes for personal aviation Insurance only requires 10 hours in a high performance complex aircraft with no prior time.

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  5. Mark Kolber on May 15, 2014

    As others already suggested, the amount of time it takes depends mostly on rental or club insurance requirements.

    The FAA has no minimum time, In theory, a CFI could endorse you without you being able to use the airplane.

    I’ve seen as low as 5 hours and as high as 10.

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  6. Ben on May 15, 2014

    Here is the club requirement:

    Pilot Requirement: Private Pilot with Complex endorsement or better. 125 total hours, 20 hours retractable, 20 hours in C172RG or 5 – 10 hours dual to proficiency.

    When I asked the club owner how many lessons it takes to earn the complex endorsement thru mentioned 4 lessons of ground plus flight dual instruction before the CFI will sign me off to solo the plane.

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  7. Tom on May 16, 2014

    They said 4 lessons?? Well do they have a set time on each lesson?? I’m sure they are doing this to cover their butt, and the plane. I have seen quite few gear up landings.

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  8. Ben on May 17, 2014


    Not sure and hard to say but I’m thinking its a club insurance requirement. As a new low time pilot, if I went out and bought a high performance retract like a Bonanza or Mooney Acclaim the personal insurance would require only 10-20 hours dual instruction before solo time.

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