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Age to start flying

Asked by: 4489 views Student Pilot

For as long as I can remember I've had the dream of learning to fly.  I'm now 62 and while the medical exam appears not to be a problem, I'm concerned with the possible degradation of hand & eye coordination and the "multi-tasking" and physical requirements for my age.

I teach motorcycle safety courses for a living and thru the years I've noticed that some students in their late 50's and 60's have difficulties in this area.

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1 Answers

  1. Matthew Waugh on Jul 27, 2010

    My suggestion is to get out and try it. If it’s not working out then your CFI will be able to help you evaluate the situation.

    But if you want to fly get out there and do it – worse case scenario once you’re proficient you have to drag some CFI along and tell them to shut up and keep you safe and legal but otherwise you’ve got it.

    How many people play golf, which is not cheap, and most of them don’t have the eye hand coordination to eat a hot dog let alone play on the PGA tour.

    Sure – if you have all the skills to get a pilots certificate go for it, but even if you don’t there’s no reason you can’t get a great deal of enjoyment out of flying.

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