2 Answers
no clearance from ATC on IFR flight plan due to a “HOT” MOA – “Say intentions”
Asked by: Mark Reeves 10131 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating
I'm on a IFR flight plan, with a planned stop at the Seymour, IN (KSER) airport. Upon passing Columbus, IN (KBAK) airport, the controller tells me the MOA is hot and ask me my intentions. He gives me the option to cancel my IFR flight plan (I'm currently above a scattered to broken layer at 6000) or make a 180 degree turn and head north. Not wanting to head north, I found a hole in the clouds and cancelled IFR and went VFR to my destination.
Any reason why air traffic control could not provide a clearance throught the MOA?
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