Reference (KSLK) ILS or LOC/DME Z RWY 23
1. Why is simultaneous reception of the localizer DME and DME from the SLK VOR needed for this approach as listed in the briefing area of this approach chart? NOTE: Profile view at RIIKE and HNDRK shows only the SLK VOR DME symbol , not l-SLK localizer symbol. This indicates to use the DME from the SLK VOR. Is this correct?
2. Channel abbreviation: If DME can be transmitted from a ground station navaid, the abbreviation “Chan” is used. “Chan” is found in the SLK VOR box on the plan view. However, “Chan” is not found in the l-SLK localizer box of which implies this localizer does not have DME capability.
Thank you for the feedback.
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