FAA CFII working as a Standardization Instructor Pilot and Maintenance Examiner
Asked by: Andrew D. Gee 5833 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Helicopter
Greetings, I am an ex-military Helicopter Standardization Instructor Pilot who currently holds a CFII, I have been diligent on keeping my license from expiring by completing online training with Gleim... As I am flying daily as a Standardization Instructor Pilot and Maintenance Test Pilot/Examiner at the Colombian Regional Helicopter Training Center in South America (Joint Initial Entry Rotary Wing School - Based at Melgar Air Base (Melgar, Tolima), it is a flight school for Colombian combat-helicopter pilots), I am required annually to undergo a ground & flight evaluation covering all phases of flight ranging from Emergency Procedures to Night Vision Googles as well as Maintenance Examiner tasks. I have created many of the flight instructors using the authorization provided to me by the Department of Defense as well as fully qualified Helicopter Maintenance Test Pilots. Can I use the time-flown as well as the training/evaluations I provide here at the center towards my CFII's renewal process?
Thank you in advance for your time and answers...
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