What is an “early turn” for a VFR departure?
Asked by: Brent 5459 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation
The other day a controller asked me if I could accept an "early turn out" due to the fact that there was inbound traffic for the opposite direction runway. I figured that would mean about 400' AGL and accepted the take off clearance. Before I reached the departure end of the 6000' runway at around 350' AGL I was instructed to begin my turn with an aside that whatever I was doing was not an early turn out.
Always interested in learning new things, I've since checked the Pilot/Controller Glossary and the AIM, but couldn't find anything that might define the criteria of an early turn other than a note about older DPs using that language which would mean that the pilot should start the turn "as quickly as possible within the bounds of safe operating practices and operating limitations." Does anyone know a more prescriptive definition?
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