Advanced Ground Instructor Requirements
Asked by: JJ 7533 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Hope y’all doing just fine. Currently I’m a holder of A Commercial Pilot Certificate ME/SE land instrument airplane, also I have in my possession an Aircraft Dispatcher Certificate. Recently I was thinking to step it up just a bit and obtain my AGI and was looking at 14 CFR 61.215 and understood that I only have to give couple of written exams “FOI and AGI” and that will qualify me for an AGI Certificate , I’m I right?. Are there any other requirements that I have neglected?. Moreover, in order to become an AGI do I have to obtain my BGI then IGI or I just can go ahead and apply for an AGI . My interpretation from going through different sources, the AGI have the same privileges as the BGI and IGI, correct me if I’m wrong please!!
Appreciate it flyers, y’all fly safe.
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