A couple IFR questions
Asked by: Matthew Drooyan 6302 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
Hey everyone,
I have a couple of unrelated IFR procedure questions, based on very specific scenarios:
1). Suppose you're on an IFR flight plan and you're in the Class Bravo (due to vectors or because your route of flight cuts through Bravo airspace) If you were to cancel IFR, how would approach/center typically respond? Would they say something to the effect of "IFR cancellation received, cleared through the Class Bravo, maintain current squawk code...?" Would they ask you to remain IFR until clear of the Bravo? I suppose it probably depends on several factors, just wondering if you've ever had such an experience.
2). Second scenario: Suppose you're home airport (towered) has one rwy (call it 4/22) and only one approach, say a GPS for Runway 4. For simplicity, our airport is at sea level. MDA on the GPS is 600, and circling MDA is 1000. Let's suppose that wind is from 220 at 10 kts, but ceiling is 800 feet. During the approach, assuming the runway is long enough that I could land with a 10 kt tailwind and there's no departing traffic on 22, would tower likely give me runway 4 if I asked? Would 22 typically be the runway in use in this situation, since no one would be able to land on 22 based on the ceiling? Controllers must have dealt with this type of scenario before, right?
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