Local IFR Request
Asked by: mm1 10098 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating
I recently had an experience while flying VFR where ceilings were dropping much quicker than forecast. I requested a local IFR (about 20 miles) to get back into my home airport but was below the required altitude for the controller to give me a clearance. Not sure but think this may have been the Minimum Vectoring Altitude. I was asked if I could climb and maintain my own separation from obstacles (don't remember exact terminology). Since there were some breaks in the clouds I said yes and climbed VFR up to the requested altitude and got vectors for an ILS. My climb was from about 1800 MSL to 3200 MSL.
Some questions:
- At what point was I cleared for IFR as no specific clearance was issued? Once reaching altitude I was given vectors. Was it when I was told to climb or was it when I received vectors or what?
- In my case I was fortunate enough to find a hole and climb to altitude VFR. What would have happened if there was no hole? Would I have been required to maintain VFR below the clouds even as they were lowering? I assume I couldn't legally climb through the clouds even if I accepted responsibility for separation.
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