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Asked by: 4289 views Instrument Rating

I'm almost done with the IR training. My homework is that I'm cleared 060  at 3k via V426 SB and hold at SALFE. (Starting at KTDZ)  So I skyvectored it and it looks like if I tune in COM1 to VWV (113.1) and dialed into 051 FROM and COM2 to CRL (115.7) dialed 159 FROM so when the COM2 centers I would turn to 159 and then get to SALFE. On Skyvector.com there is a blue holding circle to the left am I to hold there? Is that considered a published hold? Am I missing anything. I know it's my homework but if I can learn in between lessons that saves money.

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8 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Feb 27, 2014

    Skyvector isn’t making up blue circles to put in places. The holding pattern on the Low Enroute Chart at SALFE is a published hold.

    But is there more to your assignment than what you wrote? The holding instruction should have instructed you to hold “as published” if that was intended.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Feb 27, 2014

    BTW, Kate, where does the tune in COM1 to VWV (113.1) and dialed into 051 FROM come from? That’s part of why I’m wondering whether you related the exact assignment clearance.

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  3. Kate Knoblauch on Feb 27, 2014

    Sorry I typed it poorly. But I worked it out a little more and emailed it to my CFI and he said I was pretty close.

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  4. Wes Beard on Feb 27, 2014


    The clearance should be something like this: Cessna 12345 cleared to {destination airport} via after takeoff fly heading 060 intecept V426 southeast bound then as filed. Climb and maintain 3000. Departure frequency on 123.45 Squawk 2222.

    Later on ATC would state to hold at SALFE as published expect futher clearance in xx minutes (or at hhmm zulu). The other method would be to clear you only as far as SALFE and then you are expected to hold as published.

    To answer your question. I would setup my radios this way: NAV #1 set to CRL 115.7 and an OBS of 159. NAV #2 to VWV with an OBS set to 051. The NAV#2 is just for situational awareness and you will not navigate off of it.

    On takeoff I would fly heading 060 till NAV #1 centers and then turn southeast bound on V426. AT 36DME from CRL I would be at SALFE.

    Entering the hold requires that I tune NAV #2 to VWV with an OBS of 269. You will use the NAV #2 to fly the hold procedure.

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  5. Michael Lepkowski on Feb 27, 2014

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but, VWV 051R is the radial that defines POOFE at 33 DME (or the DXO 159R). The blue “269” is a Magnetic Reference Bear (MRB, AIM 5-3-4 3(c)) not the 269 bearing to VWV. You will use an GPS to hold at SALFI. Also note, the RNAV RWY 09 at Port Clinton says “NoPT for arrival at SALFI V426 southbound”.

    NAV 1 CRL 115.7, NAV 2 SKY 109.2. 060 heading until V426, then SB to the SKY 283R, then configure your GPS for a 269 outbound/089 inbound hold.

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  6. Mark Kolber on Feb 28, 2014

    You are correct Michael. That why I wondered why Kate would tune in that radial with the clearance she received.

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  7. Mark Kolber on Feb 28, 2014

    Sorry I typed it poorly. But I worked it out a little more and emailed it to my CFI and he said I was pretty close.

    That’s exactly why it’s so important to develop a consistent and reliable shorthand system for taking down IFR clearances and instructions. It really does make it so much easier. Are you using a system?

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  8. Kiki on Feb 28, 2014

    I use CRAFT I just didn’t put it all in to my question. Trying to eliminate typing. Thanks for the help guys.

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