Where can I find more detailed ino about preflight inspections?
Asked by: Rick Owens 3926 views Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Student Pilot
Hello all,
I'm curious if there any resources out there that dive into the subject of preflight a little deeper. Its been emphasized in the past to not merely look at an item, but know what you are looking for. I find myself asking questions about what I'm checking, most of which my CFI doesn't know the answer to. Without racking my brains too much about small things, I was hoping to find a resource that explains standard items (for say a Cessna/Piper) a with a little more description of what to be looking for.
For example:
- "Oil: 8 quarts max - 6 quarts min" ...is pretty easy to understand and check.
- "Surfaces: Check" ... what am I looking for? How big can a dent be? How many rivets can be loose/gone? How many screws can be missing? Hmm there's some black marks that look like oil, still good? How much chrome should be showing on the strut?
I know its probably way over the top, but most CFI's I've run into recently are of the mindset of kick the tires and lite the fires and go flying. I have yet to run into one that does a thorough preflight and knows what they are looking for unfortunately.
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