Equipment of ELSA to get private pilot in it?
Asked by: Alex Censor 4888 views Light Sport Aircraft, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I got my sport pilot license in my skyranger experimental light sport three years ago.
My 50 year old son would like to complete his private in it.
It lacks night lighting.... Other than tail strobe. So we know we'd have to remedy that. Wing tip red and green needed. Any other lights?
What else might we need to add for it to be sufficiently equipt for him to be able to complete his private in it?It has standard six pack instruments minus artificial horizon.
Very nice modern iFly 720 GPS.
Good radio.
Oh, and magnetic compass.Alex
By the way.. He started training two years ago and lapsed....has 20 hours and was soloing when he ask logged time. And, yes, we have CFIs familiar with our ELSA and willing to train in it.
a,so, are there specific requirements fir those wingtip green and red lights...remembering that our aircraft us experimental?
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