Choosing The Best Flight School/Training
Asked by: wilky 3555 views Commercial Pilot, Student Pilot
Hi, I am currently trying to research the different flight schools to see which one I could be best trained at. From the different webpages and little bit of info I have been able to get from each school, it would seem that the more flight hours one can obtain the better. I have no experience or flight hours at this time. I have looked at the for profit flights schools ranging from prices $70K to $100k and each one "promises" different amount of hours. The National Aviation Academy which also trains aircraft mechanics states it is a 19 month long program in which time on can earn between 350 hours and even more, up too 500 plus if you become a student instructor there. Then there is the Texas State Community College which is also a degree program and so in two years it will take to earn all the certificates and licenses and about 250 plus hours.
Do you have any advice for one just starting out and the type of training that I should look best for?
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