Flight Instructor Records 61.189
Asked by: tommytom 12320 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
Concerning FAR 61.189
I am curious and would like to hear back ideas how to keep flight instructor records. I am considering creating an excel sheet with the required information such as the student name's, date of the endorsement, kind of test, the date and the result, etc. I think it would be helpful to have all of this information is in one place.
I'm a new Flight Instructor and inexperienced keeping these kind of records. Surely there is an efficient easy way to keep track.
Thank you for your suggestions and sharing how you keep your records.
§61.189 Flight instructor records.
(a) A flight instructor must sign the logbook of each person to whom that instructor has given flight training or ground training.
(b) A flight instructor must maintain a record in a logbook or a separate document that contains the following:
(1) The name of each person whose logbook or student pilot certificate that instructor has endorsed for solo flight privileges, and the date of the endorsement; and
(2) The name of each person that instructor has endorsed for a knowledge test or practical test, and the record shall also indicate the kind of test, the date, and the results.
(c) Each flight instructor must retain the records required by this section for at least 3 years.
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