How does an instructor market themselves?
Asked by: Bruce J. Sato CFI, CFII 6794 views Flight Instructor
I'm sure almost all of us instructors have been in this situation before, I have been flying with this flight school and instructors get students as the interested individual asks for how they can get their pilots license as they walk in the door basis, then the dispatcher goes and refers them to an instructor and the instructor goes and shows how the process is done hopefully the instructor gets that "Potential Student" the flight school I work for had been hiring flight instructors lately but stopped because there isn't much students to go around for each instructor and it takes a while before you get that one person that might be your student. Im not one of those that just got hired but started to realize its up to me to get more students SO my question is............
- How can a flight instructor market themselves to get more students?
- Does teaching seminars help increase your chances to get more students?
- Any thoughts guys?
- This is a part 61 flight school in Los Angeles.
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