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4 Answers

Feeder Route

Asked by: 9873 views Airspace, FAA Regulations

Reference KART--VOR RWY 7

Assume cleared for the VOR 7 approach and the clearance route is the feeder route from over SYR VOR on the 010 radial.

Would you fly the 010 radial from SYR VOR until intercepting the 223 radial off of ART and proceed straight in approach?


Would you fly the 010 radial from SYR VOR to WUMSO intersection, fly 233 radial off of ART and proceed straight in approach?

What is the purpose of WUMSO intersection and the offset 233 radial ?

Thank you for the feedback.

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4 Answers

  1. Bruce J. Sato CFI, CFII on Jan 09, 2014

    By looking at the approach, you have to understand some things.

    Procedure Turn
    Used TO DETERMINE when to perform a “Course Reversal” to establish the aircraft inbound on an Intermediate or Final approach course.
    *A required maneuver when it’s necessary to perform a course reversal
    *Not required when the approach can be made directly from a specified “IF” to the “FAF”
    *Not required when depicted as ” NoPT “, when being radar vectored to the FAF, When doing a timed approach.
    *Depicted as a procedure “turn barb” with headings to turn outbound and inbound

    “Course Reversal” which is used to reverse direction of the aircraft to help establish the aircraft get inbound on an intermediate or final approach course.
    *Depicted as a 45/180 degree procedure, A holding pattern, or a teardrop procedure.

    Would you fly the 010 radial from SYR VOR until intercepting the 223 radial off of ART and proceed straight in approach?

    No, to proceed straight in you would need to go to “WUMSO INT” (IF) that’s identified by ART 10 DME or by ART R-233

    What is the purpose of WUMSO intersection and the offset 233 radial ?
    *WUMSO is there to let you know when to turn inbound on the ART R-233
    *The offset of R-233 is part of the feeder route at depicted by the thick black arrow so by using that feeder route it will help get you from the en-route phase to the approach phase.
    *The R-223 is used by the procedure turn to HELP determine when to perform the course reversal

    Would you fly the 010 radial from SYR VOR to WUMSO intersection, fly 233 radial off of ART and proceed straight in approach?

    Yes that is correct.

    SO….. to sum it all up, if you are cleared for the KART VOR RWY 7 Approach and you are over the SYR VOR.

    Upon leaving SYR VOR, go outbound on the R-010 to WUMSO, when you get to WUMSO at ART 10 DME or ART R-233, turn and intercept ART R-233 to ART (FAF) then descend to your minimums, BUT don’t forget to time your approach when passing the FAF and don’t forget your VDP location.

    Hope this helps and sheds some light, sorry if its to long.

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  2. Dan Chitty on Jan 09, 2014

    Bruce, thank you for the feedback.

    My intent of this question is to determine TERPS logic for not simply eliminating WUMSO and simply intercepting the 223 radial from the SYR 010 radial. I see no reason why you cannot intercept the 223 radial and track inbound after flying north/NE bound on the SYR 010 radial.

    Yet the 233 radial allows less angular difference than the 223 radial in relation to runway 7.

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  3. John D Collins on Jan 09, 2014


    I agree with your conclusion on how to fly the approach, but not with some of the supporting statements.

    A PT is always required when it is part of the approach procedure with specific exceptions:

    1) Radar Vectors to Final
    2) When NoPT is charted for a specific route
    3) When the pilot is cleared straight-in
    4) When a hold is used in lieu of a barbed PT and timed approaches are in use.

    If a DME arc is depicted, it should be labeled as NoPT, but I have seen some that aren’t.

    On this approach, the route from SYR is marked as NoPT, so exception 2) applies to this route and the PT is not authorized for the route.

    The route from SYR (IAF) to WUMSO (IF) is an initial leg and the leg from WUMSO to the FAF is an intermediate leg as WUMSO is an IF. It is not a feeder route. A feeder route when needed is a route from an airway to an IAF. In this case, one is not needed.

    In general, an intermediate leg is required for the aircraft to slow to approach speed, configure for a landing, and descend to the required altitude. There are two intermediate legs shown on the chart, one explicitly between WUMSO and the FAF when SYR is used as the IAF and the other implicitly (the inbound leg after completing the PT) when ART is used as the IAF.

    The intermediate leg can be up to 15 NM long, but a normal preferred maximum is 10 NM with longer ones only approved when there is an operational need. It is not obvious what the reason was for the 010 radial course to WUMSO rather than one that would intercept the ART 223 radial at 10 DME, but there must have been a reason either obstacle or operational related.

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  4. Dan Chitty on Jan 09, 2014

    Thank you John for the additional insight.

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