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4 Answers

Need To Get Current Before my CFI Training

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Flight Instructor

I am a Commercial Pilot (SEL) with my Instrument Rating.  I have not flown for 3 years.  What would be your recommendation to get up to speed on  flying again before I actually start my CFI flight training?  Trying to chart a path but not quite sure what would be the best route.

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4 Answers

  1. Matthew Waugh on Jan 04, 2014

    Start reading. You need to be able to breeze through the oral for a Flight Review without even thinking about it. Then you will have 10% of the knowledge you need for the CFI. Seriously, the bulk of CFI training is book work.

    As for flying, find an instructor who will conduct a Flight Review with you in the right seat, might as well get used to it while you’re getting current.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Jan 05, 2014

    Mat’s absolutely right. The CFI requirements in the FAR repeatedly use the phrase “instructional proficiency.” That’s something more than being a great stick or even a walking encyclopedia of aviation knowledge. It’s about being able to communicate that in a way that’s a benefit to the student. There’s a saying attributed to some FAA Inspector who supposedly said to an applicant, “OK. I know you know how to fly, but do you know how to teach?” Whether or not it was actually said, the point is quite valid. Teaching requires a different type of knowledge and a different form of flying skill.

    One suggestion in addition to “start reading” — start answering questions. The internet with its variety of online aviation forums (including this one) is an opportunity to see the kinds of questions students ask. That’s a wonderful opportunity for you to start answering them. If you don’t know the answer, even better — you get to look it up and do your reading and re-checking, familiarizing yourself with the world of FAA publications and how to get around them (an absolutely essential skill), not while falling asleep with boredom, but in the context of answering specific questions. You will be amazed at how much you don’t know and how quickly your knowledge base will grow. And, although it’s not face-to-face, your ability to communicate your answer will hone that skill as well.

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  3. Sam Dawson on Jan 05, 2014

    Only thing to add- start writing and tabbing. You won’t be able to remember everything so know where other things are located.
    Understand how the FARs are laid out so you can find things faster. For example, why FAR 91 is regulations it is broken down into sub parts. Where will you find endorsements? They seem to change every other year and it bugs me when CFIs mess this up because they don’t know where to find them.
    Begin writing lesson plans for every subject in the PTS. There are many outlines on line, but flesh these out and make them personal for you. For example, Obtaining Weather task may involve instruction on how to use Foreflight as well other other means of obtaining weather.

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  4. pwilliamsaz on Feb 03, 2014

    Hi. Everyone. I want to thak everybody for all of the great answers. That give me alot to think about. My Twitter @PatrickAZAV8tor. I design websites for a living, but aviation is my passion. See you in the air.

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