Statement of Demonstrated Ability (SODA) exam process
Asked by: Bruce J. Sato CFI, CFII 7887 views FAA Regulations
I have one important question, I'm a CFI and I have a student that has unfortunately lost his entire left arm from the shoulder. Long story short he has a glove and it has straps tied around the yoke to have more grip.
I have been flying with him doing the required maneuvers and ground work and he is getting really close for his solo flight. My question is, what is the process like when he needs to go for his (SODA) what are they going to ask him, look at? Are they going to ask him questions to see if he is ready for his solo flight (Which I highly doubt since they are "Medical Examiners" not "Pilot Examiners". Should I just go and ask a "Medical Examiner" ? Any feedback would be appreciated thanks.
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