IFR flight in non-IFR-certified aircraft
Asked by: mikesierra 8962 views Aircraft Systems, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
What are the conditions that must be met in order to fly a non-instrument certified aircraft on an IFR flight plan? Are there any besides:
1) instrument certified pilot 2) maintain VMC (VFR cloud clearances must be maintained too?) 3) meet equipment requirements of 91.205 d
Also, regarding equipment, does non-IFR-cert GPS meet RNAV capability for IFR in VMC? If not, would VOR be required instead for navigation equipment (per 91.205 d 2)? And if that's the case, it would have to have been tested within the previous 30-days, right?
To make this more concrete, think non-IFR aircraft requesting pop up IFR and clearance into, eg, Class A, but with VFR-only GPS nav.
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