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10 Answers

Class Charlie Touch and Goes

Asked by: 8352 views Airspace, General Aviation, Private Pilot

Looking to get some experience with entering Class C airports and possible doing touch and go.

I have 2 close to my home airport.... KBDL and KPVD.

Any advice?  I'm not even sure they allow them.  I use AOPA's AFD... would that info be under "remarks".


10 Answers

  1. Bruce J. Sato CFI, CFII on Dec 19, 2013

    I would visit a local pilot flight school and buy a “Airport Facilities Directory” or AFD for short.
    They cost less than $7 and tell you everything you need to know about that particular airport.
    If you don’t want to go that route, which I strongly advise that you do, you can visit http://www.airnav.com and click on airports and enter the airport ICAO and it should list all the airport information.


    If you scroll down to the bottom of the page under “Additional Remarks”
    it says “NO TNG FLIGHTS; NO PRACTICE APCHS; NO TGL BTN: 2300 – 0700 MON THRU SAT & 2300 – 1200 SUN”


    I don’t see any limitations for “Touch N Go’s”

    Hope this helps good luck and fly safe.

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  2. Kris Kortokrax on Dec 19, 2013

    Or if you want to save a little money, use this link and get the A/FD digitally for free.


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  3. Brian McCray on Dec 19, 2013

    Bruce, thanks for answering. I bought many afd’s in the past but I am finding that it’s easier to use the updated online resources. So if the Faa remarks do not show TNG or TGL restrictions, I am good to go. I guess another way is to tell approach that you want a touch and go and let them tell you…. “TNG denied”. 🙂

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  4. MaggotCFII on Dec 19, 2013

    KBDL – just pick your time to avoid the airline traffic peak times. I plan on 10:00-11:00 local on a very good weather day. You will find that the airline traffic will be using 6/24 and the GA/Corp traffic will be using 33/15. I don’t do T&Gs, never asked – think a full stop, exit and taxi back for departure much more a valuable training event for a student or first into “C” pilot.

    Suggest that you listen to LiveATC, tower and approach frequencies before you do the flight. That will pay dividends in becoming familiar with the approach/tower controller voices, tone, to give you an indication of what to expect, etc. Follow what is taking place on a Sectional.

    You might be asked to keep your airspeed up on final and will get a LAHSO for 6/24 if you are using 33.

    And rehearse, rehearse; consider taking a CFI that has been there the first time. If you sim with X-Plane or FS, set yourself up on a 10 mile final and rehearse the approach.

    The ATC crew at KBDL is good to the GA folks, not arrogant – you just have to sound and perform well.

    And after you do it day, go at night – it is different.

    Go for it!!

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  5. Brian McCray on Dec 19, 2013

    MaggotCFII, thanks for your post. I fly out of 7B2 and was considering doing KPVD for a TNG. After reading your post, I like the KBDL landing and taxi back idea! I went through the FAA remarks for KBDL and didn’t see any “landing fee”. Can you confirm that?
    Also, I’ve done a good amount of flights into Class D’s like KBAF and KCEF (low approaches), but never a Class C. I will take all of your advice for the prep….
    I’m thinking once I climb out of 7B2, I can contact Bradley Appr and tell them my who, what, where’s and then request landing with current info. I’m assuming from there, they will vector me as they wish until handing me to tower. Sound about right?

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  6. MaggotCFII on Dec 20, 2013

    Not aware of a landing fee, never seen one in the mail yet.

    ” I can contact Bradley Appr and tell them my who, what, where’s and then request landing with current info. I’m assuming from there, they will vector me as they wish until handing me to tower. Sound about right?” That sounds right.

    After landing/taxi clear you will be handed over to the ground controller, not like KBAF and other towers in the area where the cab crew multitasks, And remember that AIM 4-1-20, 3 is asking you to leave your transponder on.

    Contact Ground and just tell them you want to taxi for a departure – and remember the “progressive” request if need be.

    Want to see the flow of traffic in KBDL, try Flightaware.com, if you haven’t used the site, you can see ground tracks of arriving/departing traffic as well as flight info. Helps you pick a good time to go.


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  7. Brian McCray on Dec 20, 2013

    Thanks so much MaggotCFII! Great info and advice. Flightaware is very cool, I can see all the traffic. More info the better. I will keep you posted on my flight. Thanks again.

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  8. Mark Kolber on Dec 21, 2013

    I fly out of 7B2

    You’ve gotten some good answer on this, so I have nothing substantial to add except that it’s never a bad idea to call the Class C TRACON or Tower and ask for the best times for the maneuvers you want to do.

    But I wanted to post just say I did my primary training at 7B2. More than 20 years ago. Great little airport. Still training in Tomahawks?

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  9. Brian McCray on Dec 21, 2013

    Thanks for the input Mark! I’ll def give them a call to help with my planning. For the most part, 7b2 has Piper Warriors and a couple Cessna’s. They have done substantial improvements in the past 10 years so I am told. Widening of the ramp, Flight Simulator upstairs, new management. Nice place and great people.
    Alot of my training videos and PPL vids can be seen on my YouTube channel…


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  10. Brent on Dec 29, 2013

    There was a related thread on this forum earlier that you might find useful as well.


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