do you need a medical to be an instructor?
Asked by: Dan Newberry 3469 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
My question deals with Medicals. I am studying for my initial CFI and a questions was asked from a study guide, (do you need a medical to be an instructor). Let me explain my answer and please let me know if I am on the right track. My answer initially was NO. 61.23(d) the table says that you need to have a class two for a commercial and a class three for private, and instructor. However in 61.23(b) operations NOT requiring a medical, (b(5)) when exercising the privleges of a flight instructor certificat if the person is not acting as pilot in command. But if you are instructing a student pilot, you are the PIC but if you were instructing for a commercial pilot, you would not be considered the PIC unless the student does something that would compromise safety. At that point if you didnt have your medical, whould you be authorised to take control of the aircraft? So then I changed my answer to yes/no depending on what certification you are instructing for.
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