Published miss vs climb out instructions
Asked by: mm1 12757 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
Today I was doing practice approaches at multiple airports on an IFR flight plan. The weather was MVFR. I told the controller I wanted a low approach and that I would then go on to the next airport and another approach. I don't remember the exact wording but when cleared for the approach I was told my climb out instructions were upon re-entering controlled airspace to climb and maintain 3000 feet and heading 030. Was also told to come back to the same frequency.
I did the low approach, climbed to about 1000 agl then did a climbing turn to 3000 and leveled on heading 030. My friend flying with me said I should have climbed straight out to the published miss altitude of 3800 before making a turn to 030 as that was expected.
What is the proper procedure to follow in this situation and can someone point me to the FAR or AIM reference?
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