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3 Answers

Published miss vs climb out instructions

Asked by: 12757 views , ,
FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot

Today I was doing practice approaches at multiple airports on an IFR flight plan. The weather was MVFR. I told the controller I wanted a low approach and that I would then go on to the next airport and another approach. I don't remember the exact wording but when cleared for the approach I was told my climb out instructions were upon re-entering controlled airspace to climb and maintain 3000 feet and heading 030.  Was also told to come back to the same frequency. 

I did the low approach, climbed to about 1000 agl then did a climbing turn to 3000 and leveled on heading 030. My friend flying with me said I should have climbed straight out to the published miss altitude of 3800 before making a turn to 030 as that was expected. 

What is the proper procedure to follow in this situation and can someone point me to the FAR or AIM reference?


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3 Answers

  1. Sam Dawson on Nov 22, 2013

    “5-4-21. Missed Approach

    a. When a landing cannot be accomplished, advise ATC and, upon reaching the missed approach point defined on the approach procedure chart, the pilot must comply with the missed approach instructions for the procedure being used or with an alternate missed approach procedure specified by ATC.”

    I would need to see the approach you are discussing, but based upon what you wrote you were correct in complying with the alternate missed approach procedure given by ATC. When this is done you no longer comply with the published missed in any way.

    Having written that, understand what ATC is giving you and if it seems to conflict with obstacles ask.

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  2. Best Answer

    Jim Fuhrman on Nov 22, 2013

    I’m an Air Traffic Controller at a combined Tower /TRACON. Climbout instructions, missed approach, and alternate missed approach instructions are THREE different things. Missed approach instructions are charted and documented, alternate missed approach instruction are documented for when the missed approach is unavailable due to a navaid outage, climbout instructions are ATC clearance the the controller issues to to traffic conditions. Te controller EXPECTS you to comply with climbout instructions and will issue them based on terrain and traffic. If you WANT to fly the published missed approach just make sure to request it prior to being issued the approach clearance and most controllers will accommodate.

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  3. John D Collins on Nov 22, 2013

    You did not mention the airport or the approach you were conducting, also the exact wording of the clearance. It also matters if you were operating under VFR or IFR rules for your practice approach. Provide the missing information and I will comment further. My guess from what you have posted so far is that you were not expected to climb to 3000 before turning and certainly you were not expected to fly the published miss.

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