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4 Answers

Turn and Slip Indicator

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Aircraft Systems, Instrument Rating

In Turn and slip indicator, a. No erection devices are used b. Speed of the rotor should be kept constant c. Both (a) and (b)

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4 Answers

  1. Brian on Nov 10, 2013

    I don’t fly helicopters and was hoping Kris would have come through by now and answered this for you. Being that he hasn’t I would suggest the answer is b.

    My reasoning is that the turn portion of the turn and slip indicator is a electric gyro instrument. A gryo is a device that holds itself erect; the term used in fixed wing is ‘rigidity in space’. With this knowledge we can eliminate (a) as being possible and with (a) out of the picture (c) is also eliminated; leaving only (b) as a possible answer.

    Again, I am not a helicopter pilot. Hopefully Kris will weigh in and correct me if I screwed you up here.

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  2. Lucas on Nov 10, 2013

    Sorry to say but I believe C is the correct answer because the only gyro that uses erection devices is the attitude indicator as it is the only one that needs to correct itself from precession. The old turn and slip indicators can only move in one plane of rotation and actually use precession itself to show the bank.

    I am actually going to post a video on youtube on the Turn Coordinator in a couple of days and although the video is on the turn coordinator rather than the turn and slip indicator the two instruments are incredibly similar (the TC is just canted at an angle so it can sense both bank and yaw forces while the T&S is not canted).

    If you would like a link to the video let me know and I will post it once its uploaded


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  3. Brian on Nov 10, 2013

    I’d love that. Thank you.

    I was actually thinking exactly what you said as I was reading about the gyro mechanism on wiki. I don’t teach instruments anymore so I’ve let my knowledge about the axis each gyro instrument works by slip through the mental cracks. Thank you for correcting me.

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  4. Lucas on Nov 13, 2013

    ok video posted on youtube at:


    I didn’t have much time to create it because we are extremely busy at the moment but you should get a good idea of the inner workings and how it reacts to the forces applied to it.


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