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Asked by: 6358 views FAA Regulations

This may seem elementary but what makes up the FAR AIM.   I know you have Parts (i.e. 61, 91 etc.)  and subparts ( i.e. k, h) but what is the 104 in part 61.104 called?? part 61 section 104??


Found the answer and i was correct Part 61 Section 104. You have parts subparts and then sections.

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3 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    Mark Kolber on Nov 08, 2013

    Just a bit of an expansion FWIW. Actually a lot of expansion. You can decide how important it is to understanding.

    In 61.104, all of it is the “section number.” What we refer to as the FAR is actually Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations and it follows the same general numbering format as all the other “Titles,” which deal with other areas that are federally regulated. For example, Title 12 deals with banking regulation, Title 50 with Wildlife and Fisheries. Our Title 14 is labeled “Aeronautics and Space”

    Within each Title, which deals with broad category, there are roman-numbered “Chapters.” In our Title 14 there are currently 5 Chapters. The FAR is Chapter I. In contrast, Title 14,Chapter V contains NASA regulations.

    Then, once you get into the Chapter, it’s divided into Parts, which really just break down the Chapters into subjects. So, for example, Part 61 covers certification of pilots and instructors, Part 91, general operating rules, Part 198 aviation insurance.

    Now you’re back in familiar territory :).

    Fortunately, it get simplified. Within a field, we tend to refer only to the Title, Part and Section and the Section always incorporates the “Part”. So, for your 61.104 example, it’s technically Title 14, Section 61.104. Or simply within aviation, “FAR Section 61.104.” The “Parts” and “SubParts” are mostly there to help orient us by subject. Look at the FAR table of contents and I think you’ll see what I men.

    Technically, there are also “Volumes” within the Titles, but they are rarely referred to. I think they are just a holdover from the days of printed regulations. So, for example, within our Title 14 there are 6 “Volumes.” Volumes 1-3 cover the FAA.

    One final note, and this is probably more important that the discussion of the technicalities of the way Federal regulations are set out. When we purchase a “FAR-AIM” we are buying a commercial publisher’s republication of the AIM and a collection of the “Parts” of the FAR the publisher thinks is important for the particular market.

    That has two consequences. One is we should understand that what we are looking at is not the whole FAR. The second is that federal regulations can be changed at any time (following specific procedures) and the “2013 FAR” we buy in January 2013 is probably already out of date in some respects.

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  2. Brian on Nov 08, 2013


    You know I never realized there were volumes, despite them staring me in the face. Wonderful write up. I really wish I’d ask you this question years back. Thank you.


    Wes eads: If you’d like I’ve pulled the regulations into my own site. The tabs at the top include Parts 1, 23, 43, 61, 67, 91, 141 and the letters of intent (LOI) database. However, the page linked here (Regulations tab, click it anytime to return to this page) shows the layout mark explains in a simple title, volume, chapter, and brows part (which means part) chart. Have a look: http://www.evolutionaryflighttraining.com/resources/fars

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  3. wes eads on Nov 09, 2013

    Thanks so much guys!!! you have answered my question completely!! Thanks again

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