Does FAR 61.3 Apply to Students During Flight Training?
Asked by: LAX550 4661 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot
Hello all, I had a question regarding who FAR 61.3 applies to when it comes to flight training. I'm currently training in a 141 curriculum towards an instrument rating, and already have my private pilot certificate. My question is, since I'm not PIC during my flights, but am logging dual received, am I required to have my certificate/medical/photo ID with me? I remember hearing something about the student being a required crew-member during flight instruction, so as I interpret the regulations, I'm still required to have my certificates readily available. Is this correct? I was always hounded with "what documents must you carry with you as a private pilot," but never specifically knew if this only applied to a private pilot acting as PIC/required crew-member. Thanks
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